Leadership & Team Development

Drive performance
through a learning culture

We help organizations develop their talent and improve their performance, and help leaders and teams excel so they can achieve their business objectives.

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Our approach helps advance practices, develop a common language, stimulate engagement and mobilization, carry out transformation initiatives, and develop growth-driven, engaged cultures.​

Development paths

Our development paths combine a range of activities and learning methods to increase retention among coaching participants and generate lasting behavioural change.

Combining development activities in the workplace and microlearning, our paths support and measure knowledge, behavioural change, and the performance of learners.

Discover our paths

Empower your leaders and teams today!  

Our ready-to-use virtual paths encourage learners to take action, which fosters lasting behavioural change.

Custom e-learning solutions

A comprehensive solution to develop the competencies of leaders and teams in your organization. 

Tailor-made online training is a powerful driver for achieving your goals. It fosters sustainable behavioural change, innovative practices, and the transfer of key knowledge. 

Alone or as part of flash interventions or development paths, our workshops, talks, and experiential events are unparalleled mobilization tools.

Interactive, participative, and collaborative, they are catalysts for change. They are designed to generate awareness and inspire behavioural change.

Workshops, presentations, and large gatherings

Leadership coaching

Our coaching team guides your employees, individually or in groups, to fully develop their potential and respond effectively to the demands and challenges of their role.

Coaching can be part of a targeted effort or complement a development path. ​


Hybrid and
remote work

Work better together, apart.

We specialize in increasing performance and engagement in your remote or hybrid workplace.

Creativity and innovation

Unleash the innovation within your leaders.

Build an innovative, creative, and agile work environment with a committed team with Humance’s new expertise: InnoveLab.


Accélérez le développement individuel de vos talents. Amenez-les à se dépasser. Développez leurs compétences.​ Et préparez-les à devenir les leaders de demain. ​

de groupe

Favorisez le renforcement des compétences. Amenez les membres d’une même équipe à travailler en synergie. Générez plus de performance.​


Améliorez la collaboration et la dynamique d’équipe. Renforcez la cohésion. Développez un esprit de solidarité.


Positionnez-vous en tant que leader. Développez votre branding professionnel. Favorisez votre rayonnement et augmentez votre influence.

Marie-Chantal Paris

Marie-Chantal Paris

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Ethan Katz Zeitlin

Ethan Katz Zeitlin

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Anik Chevrier

Anik Chevrier

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Daniel Milot

Daniel Milot

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Anik Desjardins

Anik Desjardins

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Julien Savoie

Julien Savoie

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