The Most Recent Lockdown’s Impact or … Pandemic Fatigue

Public authorities have once again imposed a lockdown on the entire population.

We overcame the first wave by navigating uncertainty, unpredictability and helplessness, and we were able to catch our breath a little in the fall. For many organizations, such as those in the food and travel industries, this new confinement has a considerable impact that will bring unprecedented consequences. The fallout may not have been as important for other organizations, but they are still experiencing some environmental friction. One thing is certain, the concerns are the same regardless of the type of impact.

  • How can we make sure we keep our teams mobilized?
  • How can we continue to grow in this context?
  • How can we minimize the domino effect of several factors such as personal constraints, isolation, fear of unemployment or fear that someone close to us may be infected?

New skills to develop

In this context, in their leadership position, managers must focus on several elements (self-management, trust, creating a positive environment, alignment and productivity). To meet this need, we designed the Ensemble—Managing a Team in Turbulent Times learning path, which has been tested by more than 2,000 managers over the past few months. This 6-week course offers practical tools and advice that are integrated into managers’ day-to-day work.

In an effort to continue to grow and connect with other community members, we have also created a learning path called Leader d’influence. I invite you to read the article Retour sur cette experience (in French only) on our blog and the testimonials of various participants. This leadership learning path will be offered again in February. Please hurry if you wish to sign up.

Learning from these times of sacrifice and discouragement so as to create a promising future with your teams, be there for them, put the human being at the heart of our actions and concerns, is a way to turn around the gloomy trend of this new year.

“The only safe ship in a storm is leadership.”

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Louise Clément Adm.A., MBA, ASC, ACC
  • Principal & Coach | Leadership & Team Development

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