The customer-centric approach

A key driver of growth and development

Place the client at the heart of what you do to take your organization to the next level

Stop flying blind: clarify your objectives and your customer promise, and give yourself the means to achieve your ambitions.

We’re living through a paradigm shift: competition is becoming increasingly fierce, client expectations are constantly evolving, and achieving ambitions of growth has become a challenge for many organizations. Without a clear strategy, many find themselves at an impasse. How can you stand out from the crowd and thrive in this constantly changing environment? By placing the customer at the heart of your strategy!

We combine our expertise in strategy, marketing, and cultural transformation to help you develop a customer-centric strategic execution culture within your organization.

The three levers of the customer-centric approach

Our value proposition

Blending strategic advice with leadership development, our integrated approach builds on the synergy of the three levers to unleash your organization’s full potential.

A solid understanding of your competitive ecosystem

Gain a holistic understanding of the market and its stakeholders to anticipate the dynamics specific to your sector and respond effectively, while aligning your objectives with your customer’s evolving needs.

  • Taking into account the perspectives of the customer and the strategic partners
  • Conducting market research and structuring business intelligence strategies
  • Adapting your business model and defining a customer-centric vision
  •  Assessing the quality of your business data
  • Developing a customer relationship management strategy (or customer intelligence)

A distinctive market positioning to reach your goals

Develop a relevant offer for your target market and implement integrated marketing and sales strategies. The goal is to achieve your business objectives while exceeding your customer’s expectations through personalized offers and meaningful interactions.

  • Identifying your target markets to ensure perfect alignment with your offering
  • Reviewing the effectiveness of your product and service portfolio
  • Defining distinctive, high value-added offers through a design thinking approach
  • Understanding and optimizing your distribution and communication channels (toward an omnichannel strategy)
  • Improving sales approaches and sales team efficiency

Delivering an outstanding and sustainable customer experience

Create and maintain a superior customer experience by ensuring consistent, high-quality interaction across all touchpoints and key moments in the customer journey.


  • Defining your brand attributes and the desired customer experience
  • Developing a customer experience strategy and optimizing customer journeys
  • Guiding the implementation of a culture of operational excellence
  • Incorporating the customer-centric approach into individual and group performance management
  • Developing strategic execution capability

Take your organization’s maturity to the next level and achieve your growth ambitions

Alignée sur l’interne

Une organisation qui évolue à partir d’objectifs définis à l’interne en se concentrant sur ce qu’elle est capable de produire et de livrer sans nécessairement valider avec la clientèle ou les partenaires

Alignée sur l’offre

Une organisation qui adapte son offre et ses façons de faire en réponse aux tendances du marché, visant à répondre aux demandes générales des clients

Alignée sur le marché

Une organisation qui adapte son offre et ses façons de faire en fonction des tendances du marché ainsi qu’aux attentes/besoins de la clientèle afin de répondre aux demandes spécifiques des différents segments de marché ciblés

Alignée sur le client

Une organisation qui place les clients au cœur de toutes ses décisions stratégiques pour offrir des expériences remarquables, durables et personnalisées

Level 1 - Alignment with internal objectives

An organization that operates based on internally defined objectives, focusing on what it can produce and deliver without systematically validating with customers or partners

Level 2 - Alignment with the offer

An organization that adapts its offer and approaches to market trends, with the aim of meeting general customer demands

Level 3 - Alignment with the market

An organization that tailors its offer and approaches to market trends and customer expectations/needs to meet the specific demands of targeted market segments

Level 4 - Alignment with the customer

An organization that places the customer at the heart of all its strategic decisions to deliver outstanding, sustainable, and personalized experiences

Stop flying blind: assess your organization’s maturity level now.

Flexible and pragmatic strategic support to help you achieve your objectives

Our team of specialists provides personalized support, adapted to each organization’s context, throughout the entire process.

Identify your starting point
- Complete the maturity grid (management team)
- Consolidate the results to determine the organization’s maturity level
- Pool findings on the current situation
Define your vision and promise
- Define the desired situation (vision and promise)
- Identify and prioritize initiatives to be implemented to progress toward the target situation
Take action, evaluate, and celebrate achievements
- Provide support to teams working on various projects and produce tools or deliverables, as needed
- Reinforce expected behaviours and the ability to deliver through leadership and skills development
- Monitor the implementation of initiatives through regular, brief meetings
- Acknowledge achievements and successes; ensure continuous improvement based on customer feedback

Benefits of a more customer-centric approach


Sector : World-class European tire manufacturer

Background and interventions:

Two of the group’s divisions were facing specific challenges.

One wanted to gain a better understanding of the market to launch new solutions based on cross-disciplinary knowledge of the mining and construction industries. Our interventions:

The other division was seeing a decline in sales and a stagnation of licenced products on two continents. Our interventions:


[1] A model focused on solutions, access, value creation and client education. This model represents the evolution of the classic 5P model.
[2] Model integrating vision, mission, organizational capacity and learning.

Sector : Canadian international manufacturer of geosynthetics

Context and interventions:

Rapid growth had created financial and cultural challenges for the company. The manufacturer was also aspiring to become a key player, if not the industry leader. Our interventions:


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Humance a vraiment bien compris la mission de notre projet visant l’amélioration de la qualité de service. En tant qu’organisation, c’était notre préoccupation principale, car on s’adresse ici à l’ensemble du personnel municipal de Québec. On peut dire que c’est mission accomplie! On s’est sentis accompagnés du début à la fin, autant dans la réalisation purement technique des capsules de formation à concevoir que dans l’implication active des élu(e)s, cadres, et employé(e)s lors de la réalisation des tournages. On sait que nos gens seront intéressés par toute l’initiative : le rendu est vraiment à la hauteur de nos attentes!

Mathieu Grégoire, directeur - division innovation et développement de la relation client
Ville de Québec
On sent que les employés ont pris davantage conscience de l’importance de l’expérience client, nous recevons d’ailleurs beaucoup de bons commentaires de la part des clients concernant notre approche CX. Les gens de chez Humance ont été à l’écoute de nos besoins, le processus de conception est réfléchi et basé sur une approche collaborative. Dès le début du mandat nous avons été bien accompagnés et une fois le projet livré ils ont continué à nous recommander d’autres pistes d’action pertinentes. Humance est vraiment un partenaire de choix.

Isabelle Thériault, directrice culture et talent
CRHA – Spiria

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