Between pandemic fatigue and resignation: Where expectations lie

As we enter another year, it’s clear that the new health measures are taking their toll on morale. We may be better equipped to work remotely; nonetheless, we need to take extra good care of our teams and managers.

Managers caught between two realities

Managers play a key role in an employee’s sense of commitment, and even more so when an employee is working remotely. They need help and tools to deal with all the complexity, unpredictability, sensitivity, and productivity issues, not to mention their team members’ individual situations.

Here are a few solutions:


Talking about what’s on your mind with a neutral and objective person outside the organization can help reduce stress. If this person asks the right questions or can help you gain clarity on a situation, the rewards are immediate. Check out our flash coaching.


Getting your teams to connect informally through a team-building activity can help cure the blues. Our Leadership & Team Development team designs custom activities.


Whether you want to add structure to your remote work or develop your managers’ leadership skills, check out our blended learning development paths and our customized training courses.

Checking in

Our How Are You? survey examines four components (personal adjustment, manager support, team adjustment, and organizational adjustment) and quickly identifies areas for improvement so that you can take the necessary action.

Setting priorities

In the current context, our coaching workshops to prioritize, determine realistic actions to be implemented, ensure risk management, and take the necessary corrective measures will help you see more clearly and objectively.

We cannot know how or when things are going to turn around, but we can find ways to cushion the blow and hold on to our employees and show them that they really matter to us.

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Louise Clément Adm.A., MBA, ASC, ACC
  • Principal & Coach | Leadership & Team Development

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