360 Assessment

Measure the impact of key individuals
on their work environment.

Why use a 360-degree assessment?

Used by organizations for development purposes, Humance’s 360 Assessment measures the impact that key individuals have on the people who work with them by creating an enriching discussion between the two.

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Measure the impact of key individuals on their environment

Humance’s model provides a reliable and valid assessment by examining the following of elements:

About 360-degree assessments

360-degree assessment gives insight into the impact an employee has on the people they work with based on specific skills and behaviours. Feedback from groups of respondents is used to paint a picture of the employee. A 360‑degree assessment provides valuable information that is more accurate than informal feedback.

Humance’s 360 Assessment was modelled after observable behaviour in the Humance Leadership Model© and Humance Competency Model©—and 45 years of professional experience. The components of this tool cover all aspects of the competencies to be assessed.

Download a sample report today

Humance's 360 Assessment is available in the following formats:

360 PLUS

Choose one of our turnkey profiles.
Choose the competency profile that best suits your needs from the four we offer: Manager—Level 1, Manager—Level 2, Senior Management, and Executive.


Customize your profile.
Choose up to 15 competencies from our list of 46 to create a competency profile that’s tailor-made for your organization.

Discover our benchmark tool

Our unique benchmarking tool, integrated to this solution, uses data collected from the 360 assessments of over 16,000 participants to enable individuals at different levels and organizations across sectors to compare their results with those of others to better align themselves with current trends.

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Equally important for organizations
as for individuals

  1. Individuals learn to recognize their own talents, which helps them be more effective and grow.
  2. Individuals see the gaps between their profile and the organization’s expectations so they know what they need to improve.
  3. Individuals can develop strategies for interacting with different targets at work.
  4. Individuals have the information they need to set development goals.
  5. A second assessment is done after 9–15 months so that individuals can see their progress and adjust their plan accordingly. 
  1. Organizations receive a reliable, valid assessment of the impact that the individual has at work.
  2. Organizations can define development approaches by identifying the relevant behaviours and competencies in a simple and pragmatic manner.
  3. Organizations can implement a solid, targeted development approach that fosters awareness and tangible learning. 
  4. Organizations get a group profile of the assessed participants based on their strengths, areas for improvement, undervalued strengths, and blind spots.

Humance's 360 Assessment main features

360 Assessment Logo

Certification workshop

Humance 360: Strategies and Tools for a Successful Feedback Session

Humance’s certification workshop gives you the autonomy to provide valuable feedback.   

Gain the resources and strategies you need to have constructive discussions, reduce bias, and target development objectives. Implementing this high-impact feedback process will help foster both individual and organizational growth. 

Take your teams’ engagement to the next level by combining the 360 Assessment to a two-module workshop and a comprehensive toolbox designed to facilitate meaningful, results-oriented discussions.  

360 Assessment FAQ

Humance’s 360 Assessment is a powerful development tool that measures the impact an individual has on their workplace. Here is a list of frequently asked questions.

A 360 Assessment consists of feedback from a person’s professional circle (manager, peers, colleagues, direct reports), enabling them to become more aware of their impact at work. 
Developed using the observable behaviours in the Humance Leadership Model© and the Humance Competency Model©, Humance’s 360 Assessment:  

  • provides a reliable and accurate assessment of the participant’s impact on their work environment   
  • identifies development avenues to address each of the four leadership dimensions in the model and their associated competencies and behaviours   
  • streamlines the implementation of a clear and precise development approach focused on gaining self-awareness and learning tangible lessons 

Anyone who wants to complete the exercise and who has been in their position for at least six months to ensure that the assessment accurately reflects their performance rather than first impressions.   

PLUS profiles refer to the four pre-established profiles, which contain 13–15 selected competencies based on a review of the literature and consultation with our experts in the market. With PREMIUM, the client/consultant can customize their profile by choosing 10–15 competencies from the Humance Competency Model.

Humance’s benchmark represents 16,000 Humance participants across a range of industries.

The benchmark helps compare an individual’s performance with current norms in the market. 360 Assessments can be somewhat subjective, especially when the feedback is from peers, direct reports, or managers. A benchmark helps make the feedback more objective by comparing it to established norms, reducing personal or organizational bias. A benchmark also helps participants better understand their strengths and weaknesses in comparison with others. This can motivate them to improve and strive for higher standards. Knowing where they stand in relation to the benchmark can also help guide their personal and professional development efforts.

According to researcher Tasha Eurich, only 10–15% of people possess good self-knowledge. A 360 Assessment is a powerful exercise designed not only to increase self-awareness, but also to clearly identify perceptions, highlighting development priorities for the participant. 

For a 360 Assessment to be constructive, it’s important to ensure that the feedback is balanced, i.e., based both on the participant’s strengths and areas for improvement. A common mistake managers make is to only want to assess the competencies a person needs to improve, which can have a negative impact on their performance. It’s better to assess the full scope of competencies required in their role. 

It’s also important to make it clear to everyone involved from the start that a 360 Assessment is not a decision-making tool. If it were, the exercise would be too intimidating and responses would be tinged with skepticism. It’s a tool designed to foster self-awareness and development, while also promoting openness and intrinsic motivation. 

There are two types of questions in Humance’s 360 Assessment:

Quantitative questions: Statements on a five-point scale from 1 (does not describe the person at all) to 5 (describes the person perfectly). The results are averages of the ratings obtained for the various statements. For the peer and direct report categories, we only display results when a minimum of three respondents participated for these categories: peers and direct report.

Qualitative questions: At the end of the survey, there are three optional questions where respondents can give written feedback. It’s important to remember that responses are presented exactly as written by the respondent.

Our team of consultants

Our highly qualified team has extensive leadership experience.  
Every day, our authentic, passionate, and dynamic team embodies the collaborative approach on which we’ve built our reputation for over 45 years. 

Highly strategic professionals who master both business and human challenges.
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Assess your managers today

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A strategic partner

We listen to our clients to ensure that we understand their situation and needs and that the solution we provide is right for them.

Our team comprises over 140 collaborators, including 9professionals from the fields of psychology, coaching, career counselling, and management.

We use data from our own and our clients’ talent assessments to establish the team needs and organizational trends.


Individual and organizational conditions must be established from the onset to ensure the 360 Assessment's success:

  • It is helpful if senior management sends a clear and inspiring message at the beginning the project to everyone involved to rouse interest and ensure the active participation of the candidates being assessed, their superiors, and respondents.
  • Making this project part of a company-wide development program makes it easier to support participants once they have received feedback.
  • It is easier to discuss the results if a dialogue is already underway between participants and their superiors.
  • What happens after the assessment should be clearly defined and explained to participants so that they understand how the results will be used and how they will be supported in their development.
  • This exercise works best in organizations that value communication, encourage feedback, and are prepared to invest in the development of their people.
  • Specific conditions for success apply. Contact us for more information.

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