The current political and economic climate is disrupting industries across Quebec and Canada, marking a significant break from the diplomatic approach of recent years. With the threat of a trade war looming, stress levels are particularly high in affected sectors, which raises concerns about mental health. The situation is unsettling, because it may seem unjust, disloyal, and perhaps bordering on bullying. The trouble distinguishing fact from fiction further amplifies this feeling of uncertainty and loss of control, reminiscent of the atmosphere during the pandemic.
Normalizing our emotional reactions
We have been observing reactions of confusion, surprise, uncertainty, fear, and anger in our clients, normal emotions to experience in such circumstances. Stress arises when the brain perceives a threat in its environment, and the looming economic turmoil is seen as one. It is a natural biological response to new or unpredictable situations, especially when accompanied by a sense of loss of control. Healthy anger management is therefore key.
Stress or anxiety?
There is a difference between stress and anxiety. Although taking control of your future and planning ahead is beneficial, constantly expecting the worst can lead to panic and a feeling of instability.
In times of crisis, the future is uncertain.
Stress: Normal response (to a degree) to protect yourself from a real and tangible threat.
Anxiety: Anticipation of the worst possible outcome, accompanied by intense worry and fear of a potential danger that hasn’t materialized.
Collective resilience
After the turbulence of recent years, many had hoped for a period of stability, a chance to catch their breath and navigate calmer waters. Yet, uncertainty continues. French-Canadian collective intelligence expert, Olivier Zara, describes this period in terms of fragility, anxiety, non-linearity, and incomprehension.
In societies that prioritize individualism and self-reliance, how can we shift our perspective to embrace interdependence and reconnect with our environment to take back our collective power? Beyond fostering individual resilience, how can we develop stronger collective resilience? Let’s be realistic, clear-sighted, and calm.
Realism and co-creation of innovative solutions
It may be tempting to deny this new reality. While shielding ourselves from bad news can be a form of self-preservation, how can we remain clear-headed? By accepting our own limitations and powerlessness, reactivating proven individual and collective strategies, and coming up with innovative solutions together.
How can we remain optimistic about our ability to adapt and bounce back? How do we sustain hope that—both individually and collectively—we can meet the challenges ahead? By believing in our collective strength and economic influence as businesses. By trusting in this Canada-wide wave of solidarity. By believing in the protective efforts of governments and leaders to support our organizations.
Collective resilience and solidarity strategies: the art of coming together
How can we restore our sense of interdependence with each other, our environment, our teams, communities, clients, external partners, and fellow citizens?
How do we recreate a sense of belonging—a safe space where like-minded individuals come together to share ideas and develop innovative strategies?
Which collective strategies proved effective during the pandemic within our organizations, communities, families, and social circles? And can some of these also help us meet today’s challenges?
Coming together: shared responsibility between teams and the organization
Within organizations, management teams can benefit from coaching to develop strategies that strengthen their teams, enhance resilience, and drive collective success. This could involve reviewing the business model, broadening the client base, facilitating trade across Canada, refining the strategic plan, or identifying new business opportunities.
Managers should check in with their teams and align their collective and individual strategies. Leaders can create dedicated spaces to address the current national and international climate—for example, setting aside time at the beginning of meetings to address the emotions that are coming up. Using evocative images as conversation starters can encourage employees to share their feelings and coping strategies, turning these moments into informal co-development sessions.
- Be overly optimistic
- Detach or halt communications
- Seek solutions before feeling your emotions
- Judge or belittle the emotions expressed
The manager’s role is to support their team by listening, reassuring them that solutions exist, and recognizing early signs of distress. When needed, they should guide individuals toward appropriate resources. Additionally, managers must identify solutions that prevent employees from becoming overwhelmed, enabling them to continue contributing effectively to their team and the organization. Managers must also take on the role of coach and foster a supportive and compassionate work environment.
What employees expect from their leaders in times of stress and crisis:
- A clear action plan everyone can participate in
- The tools they need to get the job done
- Regular updates from their manager
- Appreciation
- For their well-being to matter to the organization

The notion of control and letting go
Here are a few things to consider:
- What aspects are beyond our collective control, and therefore require us to accept our limitations?
- What do we have control over—whether ourselves or our immediate circles? What conscious choices can we make that align with our values and bring meaning to our lives?
- How can we take collective action to positively influence the situation?
Individual resilience strategies
Given everything that’s happening in the world, it’s essential to reconnect with your internal compass: what matters most to you, what gives you purpose, and how it aligns with your convictions and values.
- Take meaningful actions in line with your values. Participate in conservation efforts to support local businesses. Engage with your community through meaningful actions that align with your values.
- Take part in artistic and humour-based forms of expression that explore and reflect on the theme.
- Celebrate small victories. Express gratitude for what is going well by practising mindfulness and focusing on the present. Cultivate hope.
- Channel your emotions into a sport or artistic activity.
- Distinguish between what stems from the current situation and what belongs to your past. Keep things in perspective.
- Untangle fact from fiction by relying on credible sources to analyze the situation in all its complexity and broader context.
- Encourage people to speak up about their intentions and, perhaps, influence others.
- Find a safe space where individuals can share concerns, share ideas, and express their emotions in a safe and supportive environment.
In some Eastern cultures, the word “crisis” carries an etymology that signifies both danger and opportunity, a perspective that encourages us to view it as a catalyst for future growth. By embracing this mindset, every challenge becomes an opportunity for growth and, with resilience, lays the foundation for the world of tomorrow.
Radio-Canada Ohdio (January 10, 2025). À la recherche du soi perdu. Cultiver son rapport à l’autre pour traverser les crises. (In search of the lost self. Cultivating your relationship with others to get through crises) Karina Marceau, journalist, Marie-Ève Cotton, psychiatrist, Nathalie Plaat, clinical psychologist, Mélissa Généreux, public health physician.
Sonia Lupien (2023). Le stress au travail vs le stress du travail : Comment réinventer le travail pour diminuer le stress (Stress at work vs. stress from work: How to reinvent work to reduce stress). Éditions Va Savoir.
Sonia Lupien (2020). Par amour du stress (For the love of stress). 2nd edition. Éditions Va Savoir.