Humance has the honor of winning the Ontario-Quebec Francophonie Trade Award, awarded by the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ) and the Fédération des gens d’affaires francophones de l’Ontario (FGA), and presented by the Minister responsible for the Canadian Francophonie, Mr. Jean-François Roberge.
We are proud to be one of the winners of this initiative that aims to recognize the excellence and innovation of Francophone businesses that stand out on an interprovincial scale through their contribution to the growth of trade between Quebec and Ontario.
Humance has been contributing to the success of Francophone business people and organizations for over 40 years in both Ontario and Quebec. By developing leaders and teams, we are proud to help organizations be more human, efficient and long lasting
Congratulations to all the finalists!

Crédits photo📸 : Amélie Caron
What is "The Ontario-Quebec Francophonie Trade Award"?
The Ontario-Quebec Francophonie Business Award (the “Award”) consists of two awards that are awarded annually, one to an Ontario business and the other to a Quebec business.
The winning companies each receive a prize of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) in cash, which is presented to them by FCCQ and the FGA.
The amounts received are intended to cover business improvement and development expenses in order to increase their exports with the other province.